Marlina Lidya, M,Pd
Nanda Kristia Santoso, M.Pd
Risgar friassanttano, M.Pd
Ferry Yonantha M.Pd
Fadil Yonata M.Pd
Muslena Layla M.Si
Taqiyuddin, M.Pd
Jumlah halaman; 300
Ukuran Buku; A5 (14,8×21)
Versi Cetak: Tersedia
Versi E-Book: Tersedia
Berat; 0 Kg
Harga; Rp. 125.000
Pola :
- As adjective as
e.g. Jack is as smart as His Father.
In question is the word “as” which is the counterpart of the adjective as.
- Not + so + adjective + as
e.g. Jack isn’t so smart as His Father.
- The same + noun + as
e.g. Jack is the same age as His Father.
Like + objek Tobe + alike
e.g. Linda is smart like his mother.
e.g. Linda is smart. Linda and her mother are alike.
Degree of comparison is a material that aims to tell how to compare something, be it an “equal” comparison (Positive Degree), a “more/less” comparison (Comparative Degree) or a “most” comparison (Superlative Degree).
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