Bimas Reskiawan
Jumlah halaman: 80
Ukuran Buku: A5 (14,8×21)
Versi Cetak: Tersedia
versi Ebook; Tersedia
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Harga: Rp. 75. 000
Communication is also very important in teaching and learning process, for instance, in the teaching and learning process happening in universities. Communication involving the lecturers and the students also considered as the fundamental substance for obtaining an effective learning. Weheba & Kader (2007) state “communication in the teaching and learning process encourage students connect the concepts which they learn and apply the concept into their life”. In communicating with the learners, the lecturers would not merely bring out some utterances involving grammatical structures and words but they also present actions through those utterances in order to send the messages by their utterances (Zhao and Throssel: 2011). In this situation, the lecturers as the speaker and the students as the listener or the students as speaker and the lecturers as the listener, sometimes both of them tend to make their communication sounds natural, comfortable, and also they can enjoy in the classroom. One of the ways to make their communication between lecturers and students more natural, enjoyable and comfortable is gambits. In the other words, in order to carry out a good communication, people need to know about gambits so that their communication can flowed naturally.
Keller and Warner (1988) state that “gambit is word or phrase which help us to express what we are trying to say”. They also state that ‘gambit is so important because it reflects the naturalness of the speakers. Moreover, the use of gambits in the communication or conversation would help the speakers’ fluency. Furthermore, gambits will lead the listeners or audiences to be ready to listen to the following sentences. Keller and Warner (1976) even claimed that “during a communication, gambits can help people to indicate the ways of how to start, continue, and also end the communication”. Typical examples are wait a minute, Could you tell me …, I’m calling about…, The main thing is…, and so on.
Gambits also convey the interpersonal meaning of the speaker. By the same token, gambits can be functioned as reminder to what the speakers proposed to speak. Using gambits on speech is very interesting to be observed since it indicates their ability and also their naturalness in communication. As Keller and Warner (1988) state that “We use gambits to introduce a topic of communication; to link what we have to say to what someone has just said; to agree or disagree; to respond to what we have heard”.
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